Maverick Rowing Registration

This is the sign up for the SATURDAY, JAN 18 event only.
A separate form will be sent out closer to the February 15 event.

  • Please complete the form ONCE PER ATHLETE.
  • Payment is required via PayPal when you submit this form.
  • It is best to fill out the Maverick Waiver Form PRIOR to filling out this registration form:
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Athlete Name
Our time slot is from 10am-12pm on Jan 18. The facility can accomodate 35 rowers at one time. Based on sign ups, please plan to participate in the entire time slot. If you are not able to complete the full 2 hours, please let your coaches know.
Have you filled out a Maverick Rowing Waiver for this Athlete?
Waiver Must be Filled Out By Parent/Guardian Prior to Participation! Feel free to open this link in another window to facilitate this process. Visit