May 21, 2024 Newsletter

What a weekend we had at The Stotesbury Cup Regatta! We came together as a team to race well and support all our boats. Our eyes are now set on the last regatta of the season, SRAA Nationals for the Women’s 1V, 2V and the Men’s F8+, May 24-25 in Pennasauken, NJ.

A. Senior Vice President
B. Vice President of Activities
C. Travel Regatta Coordinator

A. Luggage Drop-Off
B. Payment
C. Forms
D. Volunteering
E. Slack
F. Website


Practices will be focused for those going to Nationals (Stotesbury de-rigging should have happened yesterday, Monday, May 20). If you are unsure if you should come to practice this week, please double check with your coaches.


We are looking to fill the following crucial roles for next year. Teamwork truly makes the dreamwork here. If you want to be part of an active team that works together to make the best experience for our athletes every season, please contact the board member listed under each option below:

A. Senior Vice President: This position is designed to give someone who wants to be the President of the Rowing Booster Board a year of training before taking over the Presidency. This is a non-voting position with a fantastic opportunity to spend a year learning how the board and President position works.  Questions: Contact Bill Westman.

    B. Vice President of Activities: Oversee and support the Team Dinner and RAFT Coordinators. With guidance from the President and other Board Members, the VP Activities coordinates all away regattas, including transportation, lodging and food. Will also coordinate events such as swim qualifications. Represents all activities on the Rowing Booster Board and attends Rowing Booster Board Meetings. Questions: Contact Eleanor Jones or Helen Burvis.

      C. Travel Regatta Coordinator: Reports to the VP of Activities. Lead the volunteers coordinating the travel regattas details (St. Andrews, Stotesbury, and SRAA nationals). Questions: Contact Bill Westman.


        Help winterize the boathouse so that we can hit the ground running next season! Plan for 9a-12p on Sat, June 1. Remember that many hands make light work, so sign up as soon as you can. Athletes can get volunteer credit for helping out. Sign up here: Boathouse Workday.


        RSVP and help out at the End-of-the-Season Banquet on Tue, June 4, 7p at Woodson Cafeteria A. Tentative plans are to have a potluck. Please join us in celebrating all the whole team; athletes, coaches AND parents/guardians! This is more than just an end-of-season celebration. Coaches will present awards, we will recognize our seniors and attending parents will have an introduction/vote for next year’s new board members! 


        The team will have a limited number of ergs available for athlete rental over the summer. Ergs will be returned prior to the start of winter conditioning in October 2024. The cost to rent an erg will be $200.00 (pre-paid). Payment will be due June 3, 2024 and pick up will be at the end-of-season celebration on June 4, 2024. Sign up now to reserve an erg and submit payment via PayPal. 


        A. Luggage Drop-Off: You must repeat the same steps as Stotesbury!! This includes bringing/filling out a new Luggage Check-in form and a new Medication Form Luggage drop-off is tomorrow (5/22), 7-8 PM at Woodson. Please bring your athlete’s bags and any medicine (this includes over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen). Enter through Door 3 (the door by the big rock out front) and you’ll see volunteers on hand to check luggage.

          All bags except carry-ons must be turned in at this time; this baggage will be inaccessible during bus travel. Students must accompany their own bags for this search, which is supervised by the coaching staff. This expedites the team’s departure on Thursday and leaves only carry-on bags to be searched before boarding the bus. All bags will be secured in a locked room until the bus is loaded on May 23.

          B. Payment: Please click here to pay the registration fee for athletes attending SRAA Nationals (WV, W2V, MFr8+ and alternates). Payment is due by Wednesday, May 22.

            C. Forms: All members of the MFr8+ boat must re-submit ALL forms. Jenn Ros has posted each of the forms in the Slack Channel, so please download and submit them at or before the Luggage Drop-Off.

              D. Volunteering: As is always the case, we will need all hands on deck to help make this event a success for our athletes (and for spectators)! Please check out the sign-up genius to see where we still need assistance.

                E. Slack: If you haven’t signed up for our Nationals Slack Channel, please do so right away: #2024-nationals.The Slack channel is where we will coordinate with each other leading up to and at the event.

                  F. Website: For extra information or just to follow along, feel free to visit our website for more information:

                    7. SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR NEXT YEAR

                    Each year, it is required that all student athletes have a completed VHSL physical on file before participating in sports. Completing that physical at the end of the school year  means that you won’t run into rushing to get a physical at the start of the crew season next year!

                    To aid in that end, the Athletic Training Programs at various high schools in NoVA hold a Sports Physical Night. The goal of Sports Physical Night is to provide a complete pre-participation examination screening that will leave student athletes with a valid VHSL physical for the entirety of the 2024-25 school year. The cost for the physical is $50. 

                    The Athletic Training Program receives no funding from FCPS, and this event is their ONLY fundraiser for the year. ALL proceeds go towards helping the program purchase supplies. 

                    Sign up for an appointment for a physical here. Even If you cannot make the Woodson event on June 10, sign up for another school’s event using the same form.

                    8. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                    On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                    2024 Racing Schedule



                    SPREAD THE WORD: It’s never too early to start recruiting for next season! Our best source of new recruits is YOU! Send potential recruits to our interest form at: Questions? Email [email protected].

                    CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP/FUNDRAISING:  Visit the Donors page on the website or contact our fundraising team at [email protected].

                    SHOP AND BENEFIT THE TEAM: Spirit wear and more!

                    VOLUNTEERING: Visit the Volunteer Webpage to find out our current needs.

                    PHOTOS: Current season, previous seasons or upload your own! Find out all you need here: Woodson Rowing photos.

                    STAY IN THE KNOW: Join the newsletter or Slack by sending an email to [email protected].

                    FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA


                    May 14, 2024 Newsletter

                    We are heading to the Stotesbury Cup Regatta this week! This is an exciting time with lots of logistics required to transport over 60 students, boats, gear, and more. As always, your help and patience are welcome as we take on this monumental task. It is an event that, as you can see from the many mentions during Senior Spotlights, our athletes will remember for years to come.

                    2. THE BOARD NEEDS YOU!
                    A. Senior Vice President
                    B. Vice President of Activities
                    C. RAFT Coordinator
                    3. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (AS ALWAYS)
                    A. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs – at home and on site!
                    B. Last Boathouse Workday
                    C. End-of-Season Awards Banquet
                    A. Luggage Drop Off Details
                    B. Volunteers are CRITICAL
                    C. Need more information?
                    5. SRAA NATIONALS
                    6. SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR NEXT YEAR
                    7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                    Practices will be focused for Stotesbury participants and those going to Nationals. If you are unsure if you should come to practice this week, please double check with your coaches.

                    2. THE BOARD NEEDS YOU!
                    We are looking to fill the following crucial roles for next year. Teamwork truly makes the dreamwork here. If you want to be part of an active team that works together to make the best experience for our athletes every season, please contact the board member listed under each option below:

                    A. Senior Vice President: This position is designed to give someone who wants to be the President of the Rowing Booster Board a year of training before taking over the Presidency. This is a non-voting position with a fantastic opportunity to spend a year learning how the board and President position works.  Bill Westman will train this person as his successor.  Questions: Contact Bill Westman.

                      B. Vice President of Activities: Oversee and support the Team Dinner and RAFT Coordinators. With guidance from the President and other Board Members, the VP Activities coordinates all away regattas, including transportation, lodging and food. Will also coordinate events such as swim qualifications. Represents all activities on the Rowing Booster Board and attends Rowing Booster Board Meetings. Questions: Contact Eleanor Jones or Helen Burvis.

                        C. RAFT Coordinator: Organize and oversee the food and drink provided to the athletes during home regattas. Non-voting position that falls under the VP of Activities. Questions: Contact Helen Burvis.

                          3. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (AS ALWAYS)
                          Each family has a volunteer commitment as part of their student’s role on the Woodson Rowing team. Several families have incomplete volunteer hours this season. If you haven’t volunteered yet this season, please check out the opportunities below and sign up now. Thank you!

                          A. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs – at home and on site: We still have several critical volunteer positions to be filled while at Stotesbury. Primarily, we still need a boat parent for the W1V, Coxswains/Alternates, M1V and MJr4+. Ideally this will be a parent staying at the team hotel, but that isn’t required. Please visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available, both at home and at the race site.

                            B. Last Boathouse Workday: Help winterize the boathouse so that we can hit the ground running next season! Plan for 9a-12p on Sat, June 1. Remember that many hands make light work, so sign up as soon as you can. Athletes can get volunteer credit for helping out. Sign up here: Boathouse Workday.

                              C. End-of-Season Awards Banquet: RSVP and sign up to help out at the End-of-the-Season Banquet on Tue, June 4, 7p at Woodson Cafeteria A. Tentative plans are to have a potluck. Please join us in celebrating all the whole team; athletes, coaches AND parents/guardians! This is more than just an end-of-season celebration. Coaches will present awards, we will recognize our seniors and attending parents will have an introduction/vote for next year’s new board members!

                                4. STOTESBURY CUP: LUGGAGE DROP-OFF AND MORE

                                A. Luggage Drop Off Details

                                  Luggage drop-off is tomorrow (5/15), 7-8 PM at Woodson. Please bring your athlete’s bags and any medicine (this includes over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen). Enter through Door 3 (the door by the big rock out front) and you’ll see volunteers on hand to check luggage.

                                  All bags except carry-ons must be turned in at this time; this baggage will be inaccessible during bus travel. Students must accompany their own bags for this search, which is supervised by the coaching staff. This expedites the team’s departure on Thursday and leaves only carry-on bags to be searched before boarding the bus. All bags will be secured in a locked room until the bus is loaded on May 16.

                                  There are two options on the Luggage Check-in form:

                                  1. You may search the bags for prohibited items (alcohol, duct tape, cigarettes, etc) and sign the lower portion of the form attesting that you have done so. If you choose this option, a parent must bring the bags to Woodson Wednesday night  with Part II of the form signed so we can confirm the luggage contains no prohibited items. Please be aware that coaches/volunteers will still likely do a perfunctory search of the bag. That is often because parents are unaware of things that are “not recommended” items to bring, such as a toy lightsaber (yes – someone tried to bring one of those).
                                  2. If athletes are bringing their luggage without a parent, parents must sign Part I of this form consenting to have the bags searched by volunteers under the supervision of coaching staff.

                                  If you need assistance deciding what to pack, visit our Stotesbury webpage and scroll down to the “PACKING” section to learn more.

                                  IF YOUR ATHLETE REQUIRES MEDICATION OF ANY KIND:

                                  If your athletes will be traveling with any medications, prescription or over-the-counter, please provide a hard copy of the Medication Form at the luggage check-in on May 15. Please complete the form with as much information as you are comfortable sharing. The form, along with all medications in their original containers, must be placed in a sealable plastic bag, labeled with the crew member’s name. This will be reviewed and checked-in Wednesday evening during the baggage search. Please just send enough for your student for just the trip. Questions? Visit our Stotesbury webpage and scroll down to the “TRANSPORT OF MEDICATIONS” section to learn more. 

                                  B. Volunteers are CRITICAL

                                    We still have several critical volunteer positions to be filled while at Stotesbury. Primarily, we still need a boat parent for the W1V, Coxswains/Alternates, M1V and MJr4+. Ideally this will be a parent staying at the team hotel, but that isn’t required. Please visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genius for the long list of volunteering opportunities available, both at home and at the race site.

                                    C. Need more information?

                                      Do you have other questions about the upcoming Stotesbury Cup Regatta in Philadelphia, PA? Tons of information is located on the Stotesbury webpage. A PARENT Q&A section has been added – just scroll to the bottom of the page to find it!

                                      Also, posting on the #2024-stotesbury channel on Slack will get you the quickest answers to your burning questions. Make sure you join the channel to stay abreast of all updates including mission critical information that will be posted DURING the trip.

                                      The race schedule has also been posted. You can find that here.

                                      5. SRAA NATIONALS
                                      If you haven’t signed up for our Nationals Slack Channel, please do so right away: #2024-nationals. Lots of chatter has already begun. Expect things to move quickly since our time to plan is limited. For extra information or just to follow along, feel free to visit our website for more information:

                                      6. SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR NEXT YEAR
                                      Each year, it is required that all student athletes have a completed VHSL physical on file before participating in sports. Completing that physical at the end of the school year  means that you won’t run into rushing to get a physical at the start of the crew season next year!

                                      To aid in that end, the Athletic Training Programs at various high schools in NoVA hold a Sports Physical Night. The goal of Sports Physical Night is to provide a complete pre-participation examination screening that will leave student athletes with a valid VHSL physical for the entirety of the 202-25 school year. The cost for the physical is $50. 

                                      The Athletic Training Program receives no funding from FCPS, and this event is their ONLY fundraiser for the year. ALL proceeds go towards helping the program purchase supplies. 

                                      Sign up for an appointment for a physical here. Even If you cannot make the Woodson event on June 10, sign up for another school’s event using the same form.

                                      7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                      • Wed. 5/15: Luggage Drop-off for Stotesbury. Details TBD.
                                      • Thu. 5/16: Stotesbury bus departs at approx 10am from school
                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Pennasauken, NJ
                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)


                                      May 9, 2024 – VSRC Day 2

                                      Day 2 of States this weekend – and it will be a long day! Currently, the forecast is partly cloudy early followed by increasing clouds with showers developing later in the day. High around 65F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. In other words – be prepared for anything. There is A TON of information below. Settle in with your favorite drink or snack and get to reading. #pullforwoodson!

                                      1. FUNDRAISER TONIGHT: NOODLES & CO., THU MAY 9
                                      2. STOTESBURY REGISTRATION AND FORMS DUE, FRI 5/10
                                      3. CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS!!
                                      4. LOST AND FOUND
                                      5. SAVE-THE-DATES
                                      A. End-of-Season Banquet / Awards Ceremony
                                      B. Summer Erg Rental
                                      C. End-of-Season Boathouse WorkDay
                                      6. SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR NEXT YEAR
                                      7. LAST TEAM DINNER, FRI 5/10, 6:45p
                                      8. VSRC DAY 2 LOGISTICS
                                      A. Attendance
                                      B. Volunteers
                                      C. Timing
                                      D. Off-Site Parking for Spectators
                                      E. Shuttle Specifics
                                      F. On-Site Parking
                                      G. Concessions
                                      9. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
                                      10. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                      1. FUNDRAISER TONIGHT: NOODLES & CO., THU MAY

                                      Feed friends and family all while benefiting the team on Thursday, May 9 from 4-8pm at Noodles & Company, 10296 Main Street. Valid for pickup, delivery and in-restaurant. Please mention you are supporting the fundraiser or use “GIVING25” in the Coupon Code line at online checkout or via the Noodles Rewards app.

                                      2. STOTESBURY REGISTRATION AND FORMS DUE, FRI 5/10

                                      Registering your athlete for Stotesbury is a multi-part process. First you must fill out the registration form and pay the required fee, then you must download, fill out and print the required forms for travel. The deadline for these actions is TOMORROW, MAY 10, 2024.

                                      3. CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS!!

                                      Each family has a volunteer commitment as part of their student’s role on the Woodson Rowing team. Several families have incomplete volunteer hours this season. If you haven’t volunteered yet this season, please check out the opportunities below and sign up now. Thank you!

                                      1. Team Dinner this Friday: There are still THREE volunteer slots available for Chaperone and Clean Up. Please sign up here.
                                      1. Stotesbury At Home and On Site: Whether or not you are traveling to Philadelphia, we need you to help the team prepare in the days prior to travel and to help during the trip. Visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available, both at home and at the race site.

                                      4. LOST AND FOUND

                                      Coach Joe has graciously washed and folded a bin of clothes and has collected unclaimed items that were left at the Boathouse. The bin will be at the Friday night dinner. Please get your items at that time. Any remaining unclaimed items will go toward next year’s crop of inadequately-dressed novices.

                                      5. SAVE-THE-DATES

                                      Just because the season is coming to a close, doesn’t mean that we are at the end of all the fun things to come! Even beyond Stotesbury and Nationals, please save the date for the following:

                                      A. End-of-Season Banquet / Awards Ceremony

                                      Stay tuned for an RSVP form for the End-of-the-Season Banquet on Tue, June 4, 7p at Woodson Cafeteria A. Tentative plans are to have a potluck. Please join us in celebrating all of you – athletes and parents/guardians. This is more than just an end-of-season celebration. Coaches will present awards, we will recognize our seniors and attending parents will have an introduction/vote for next year’s new board members!

                                      B. Summer Erg Rental

                                      The team will have a limited number of ergs available for athlete rental over the summer. Ergs will be returned prior to the start of winter conditioning in October 2024. The cost to rent an erg will be $200.00 (pre-paid). Stay tuned for a registration/payment page and more information.

                                      C. End-of-Season Boathouse WorkDay

                                      Our last workday of the season will be on Sat, June 1. You’ll start at 9:00am and close up the boat house for the season. Plan for about 2-3 hours – but many hands make light work!

                                      6. SCHOOL PHYSICALS FOR NEXT YEAR

                                      Each year, it is required that all student athletes have a completed VHSL physical on file before participating in sports. Completing that physical at the end of the school year  means that you won’t run into rushing to get a physical at the start of the crew season next year!

                                      To aid in that end, the Athletic Training Programs at various high schools in NoVA hold a Sports Physical Night. The goal of Sports Physical Night is to provide a complete pre-participation examination screening that will leave student athletes with a valid VHSL physical for the entirety of the 202-25 school year. The cost for the physical is $50. 

                                      The Athletic Training Program receives no funding from FCPS, and this event is their ONLY fundraiser for the year. ALL proceeds go towards helping the program purchase supplies. 

                                      Sign up for an appointment for a physical here. Even If you cannot make the Woodson event on June 10, sign up for another school’s event using the same form.

                                      7. LAST TEAM DINNER, FRI 5/10, 6:45p

                                      Friday Night Team Dinner will be in Cafeteria B at Woodson and will start a little earlier than usual. Athletes should go to dinner straight from practice. There are still THREE volunteer slots available for Chaperone and Clean Up. Please sign up here.

                                      Catering is provided by Mezeh and is a crowd favorite. The tentative menu is as follows:

                                      • Proteins: Chicken shawarma and Falafel
                                      • Sides: Basmati rice, pita bread, lebanese tabbouleh, classic hummus, red cabbage slaw, crumbled feta, pickled onions, turkish salad, pearl couscous, spicy pickled carrots w/ cauliflower, crunchy chickpeas, turkish olives
                                      • Sauces: cilantro vinaigrette and tzatziki

                                       For your ease, here is the dietary information for Mezeh:

                                      8. VSRC DAY 2 LOGISTICS

                                      On day 2 of States, each of our boats has an opportunity to qualify for SRAA Nationals depending on how they perform. As a result, you should expect a long day of serious racing. If you’re curious about how well our boats need to do to qualify, you can find all the information on the Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) website: SRAA Rules.

                                      Feel free to also check these websites for more information: Regatta Central and VASRA.

                                      A. Attendance

                                      The following boats will race this weekend: Men’s Jr4+, Women’s and Men’s 1Vs and 2Vs. Whether you are racing or not, all athletes are highly encouraged to attend, if available.

                                      B. Volunteers

                                      All of our required volunteer slots for the regatta are full. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Gentle reminder that if you sign up, you’re expected to volunteer. If it is a regatta weekend and you are unable to fulfill your duties, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Veigel, so that she can try to help you find a replacement for your shift.

                                      REMINDER: You will be required to sign an acknowledgement form (located at the sign-in table) indicating that you are aware of the USRowing Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) and how to report a potential violation of these policies. In order to save time on the day of your shift, please review this policy ahead of time so that you can quickly sign the required acknowledgement and head to your post. Please reach out to Lisa Veigel, Volunteer Coordinator, with any questions.  Thanks for your help and diligence in protecting our athletes.

                                      C. Timing

                                      The heat sheet has already been released and can be found here: VSRC Day 2 Heat Sheet. That heat sheet is your best source of updated information, as VASRA will update that if times change. As of now, we have the following races to look forward to:

                                      • MJr4+: 11:34a, Heat 1, Lane 2. Top 2 to finals.
                                      • W1V: 12:44p, Heat 2, Lane 3. Top 3 to finals.
                                      • M1V: 12:58p, Heat 2, Lane 2. Top 3 to finals.
                                      • W2V: 1:19p, Heat 1, Lane 4. Top 3 to finals.
                                      • M2V: 1:40p, Heat 2, Lane 4. Top 3 to finals.

                                      Finals times are as follows:

                                      • MJr4+: Finals at 4:43p
                                      • W2V: Finals at 5:04p
                                      • M2V: Finals at 5:11p

                                      At this regatta, for the 1V categories, the top 6 boats in each event will compete in Grand Finals, while the others will compete in Petite Finals. These times are as follows:

                                      • W1V: Petite Finals at 5:46p; Grand Final at 5:53p
                                      • M1V: Petite Finals at 6:00p, Grand Final at 6:07p

                                      Unless told otherwise by a coach, athletes are advised to be at the boathouse no later than two hours before their scheduled race, and coxswains must be there for the coxswain’s meeting. More specific timing information will be communicated via Slack as it becomes available.

                                      D. Off-Site Parking for Spectators

                                      There is no spectator/visitor parking at Sandy Run. Off-site parking is located at a local commuter parking lot for this regatta. Parents driving athletes can drop off at Sandy Run and then proceed to the off-site parking located at:
                                      SOUTH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL
                                      8501 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton, VA 22079

                                      E. Shuttle Specifics

                                      Shuttle buses will run between South County High School and Lot C at Sandy Run. The cost of the shuttles is $15 CASH, round trip, paid upon boarding at South County. Athletes in uniform can ride the shuttle for free. Families should plan for a 15-20 minute hike to the grandstand.

                                      VASRA HAS ASKED US TO REMIND OUR SPECTATORS ABOUT SHUTTLE TIMING. Bus service will begin at 7:00 a.m. with one bus and increase by two additional buses at 8:00 a.m., which will continue running until one hour after the final race.

                                      Remember that there is an ADDITIONAL shuttle bus that runs from Lot C to the finish line for those who are not able to make the 1 mile hike to the grandstands. Please be aware that even with this method, there is a short walk from the finish line to the grandstands. Please plan accordingly. Cost is $5 CASH each way.

                                      F. On-Site Parking

                                      Onsite parking is limited to the groups below only. There is no fee for these groups to park at Sandy Run.

                                      • ATHLETES: Loisvale Lot. Plan for the 10 minute walk to the boathouse!
                                      • VOLUNTEERS: Lot D.
                                      • COACHES: Lot D. Please display your green coach hangtag.
                                      • STAFF / LOC: Lot B, second row from the back.
                                      • HANDICAPPED: Lot C, as designated. It is requested that you contact [email protected] prior to the regatta to ensure all accommodations can be met.

                                      G. Concessions 

                                      Remember that the concession stands, both at the grandstand and at VASRA HQ (by the boathouses), serve up a full menu of food and drinks. They also sell shirts! Interested in purchasing items? Remember to bring cash as credit cards are not accepted. Money collected during regattas at the concession stand is used to offset expenses that would be passed down to the teams.

                                      9. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS

                                      Thank you to so many parents and athletes who are taking photos and videos at practice and regattas! Find the EASY UPLOAD LINKS for all your 2024 photos on our website: Woodson Rowing photo upload links.

                                      Questions, problems or photos from previous years to upload? Contact our team photographer, Colin, via Slack or email ([email protected]).

                                      10. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                      • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse
                                      • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                      • Fri. 5/10: Deadline for Stotesbury registration and forms
                                      • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Back to Woodson Cafe B
                                      • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                      • Wed. 5/15: Drop off luggage at school, location TBD
                                      • Thu. 5/16: Athletes depart from school at approx 10:00a to travel to PA
                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)


                                      • Tue. 6/4: End-of-Season Potluck Banquet, 7p, Woodson Cafe A
                                      • Sat. 6/1: End of Season Boathouse Clean-Up, 9a-12p

                                      May 7, 2024 Newsletter

                                      WOW! What a way to kick off the championship season! Woodson Rowing brought home 2 state titles and a bid for Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) Nationals and that was just on Day 1. We are picking up steam as we head into Day 2 of VSRC “States,” Stotesbury, and now SRAA Nationals planning!

                                      1. RESTAURANT FUNDRAISER, NOODLES & CO., THU MAY 9
                                      2. VSRC DAY 2, THIS SATURDAY, MAY 11
                                      3. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (AS ALWAYS)
                                      A. Final Team Dinner (Friday, May 10)
                                      B. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs – at home and on site!
                                      4. STOTESBURY CUP: REGISTRATION AND FORMS DUE THIS FRIDAY (5/10)
                                      A. Registration
                                      B. Required Forms
                                      C. Volunteers are CRITICAL
                                      D. Join the Slack Channel
                                      5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                      ACTION ITEMS FOR THIS WEEK
                                      Sign up for Stotesbury (link and details in #4 below). Deadline: Fri., May 10.

                                      1. RESTAURANT FUNDRAISER, NOODLES & CO., THU MAY 9
                                        Feed friends and family all while benefiting the team on Thursday, May 9 from 4-8pm at Noodles & Company, 10296 Main Street. Valid for pickup, delivery and in-restaurant. Please mention you are supporting the fundraiser or use “GIVING25” in the Coupon Code line at online checkout or via the Noodles Rewards app.
                                      2. VSRC DAY 2, THIS SATURDAY, MAY 11
                                        Day 2 of the Virginia State Rowing Championship (VSRC), aka “States,” is this Saturday at Sandy Run Regional Park. Traditionally, for the two-weekend VSRC regatta, novice and junior varsity boats row in the first weekend and varsity boats row in the second weekend. The following boats will race this weekend: W1V, M1V, W2V, M2V, MJr4+. Athletes should direct any questions about lineups to the coaches.
                                      1. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (AS ALWAYS)
                                        Each family has a volunteer commitment as part of their student’s role on the Woodson Rowing team. Several families have incomplete volunteer hours this season. If you haven’t volunteered yet this season, please check out the opportunities below and sign up now. Thank you!

                                      A. Final Team Dinner (Friday, May 10). Our team dinner will be back at Woodson Cafeteria B. We are still looking for 3 chaperones for the 2nd shift. Visit the Sign Up Genius to sign up.

                                        B. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs – at home and on site! There are plenty of opportunities for folks who are NOT traveling, and also who are willing to help while in Philadelphia. Visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available.

                                        1. STOTESBURY CUP: REGISTRATION AND FORMS DUE THIS FRIDAY (5/10)
                                          The best place to stay up-to-date on all things Stotesbury is on our website at:

                                        A. Registration: Find this year’s line ups, as of May 7, 2024, here: 2024 Stotesbury Athlete List. All race entries, to include alternate rowers/coxswains, are made at the discretion of the Woodson Rowing Head Coach. Our coaches try to take as many competitive boats as possible. Athletes can direct their questions on lineups to the coaches.

                                          REGISTER YOUR ATHLETE BY MAY 10, 2024 HERE:
                                          2024 STOTESBURY REGISTRATION

                                          As has always been the case, there is an additional fee for athletes to attend Stotesbury. The fee for 2024 is $550 per athlete. This is in-line with previous years. This cost is a direct pass-thru of the costs for travel, food, and lodging for the athlete. If this presents a financial burden, the team may be able to offer assistance. Please reach out to Bill Westman, Board President, with questions re: financial assistance.

                                          There are 2 optional add-on fees for spectators: a meal pass to have snacks and lunch at the tent with the athletes and a ticket to ride the bus to and from the team hotel in Philadelphia.

                                          Please note: if you sign up to be a bus chaperone, the rider fee is WAIVED! You can sign up to be a bus chaperone on the Volunteer Sign up Genius. If you do that, do NOT pay the $75 fee for your “ticket.”

                                          B. Required Forms: Once you have registered your athlete, there are several forms that you must download, fill out, and print. The following forms are required for all athlete attendees. The forms must be completed, printed, signed, and turned in to Jenn Ros, Membership Chair.

                                            1. Student Code of Conduct Form
                                            2. Emergency Contact Information Form
                                            3. Parental Authorization Form

                                            Forms must be hard copies and may be provided to Jenn Ros by either:
                                            (1) providing forms to Molly Ros at practice OR
                                            (2) dropping forms off at the Ros’ residence, which is about 1 mile away from Woodson. Their address is: 3721 Acosta Road, Fairfax, VA 22031.

                                            C. Volunteers are CRITICAL: Just like everything else we do, we will need a lot of parent volunteers.  Whether or not you are traveling to Philadelphia, we need you to help the team prepare in the days prior to travel and to help during the trip. Visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available, both at home and at the race site.

                                              D. Join the Slack Channel: If your athlete is on the 2024 Stotesbury Athlete List, you should have already been added to the #2024-Stotesbury Channel on Slack. If you haven’t been added (or have others to add), make sure you join that channel to stay abreast of all updates. We will be posting updates there before and DURING the trip. So, it will be your one-stop-shop for information.

                                                5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                                On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                2024 Racing Schedule


                                                • Thu. 5/9: Noodles & Co. restaurant fundraiser, 4-8p
                                                • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                • Fri. 5/10: Stotesbury Regatta registration / paperwork deadline!
                                                • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                • Wed. 5/15: Luggage Drop-off for Stotesbury. Details TBD.
                                                • Thu. 5/16: Stotesbury bus departs at approx 10am from school
                                                • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Pennasauken, NJ
                                                      (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                May 2, 2024 – VSRC Day 1

                                                Welcome to a special edition newsletter as we head into day 1 of the Virginia State Rowing Championships! It has been confirmed that we will have 3 boats competing this weekend: the Women’s 3V8+, Women’s N8+ and Men’s Fr8+. We are so proud of your hard work all season. Now, let’s #pullforwoodson!

                                                1. TEAM DINNER – DON’T FORGET – NEW LOCATION!!!
                                                2. VSRC DAY 1 VOLUNTEERS
                                                3. VSRC DAY 1 LOGISTICS
                                                A. ATTENDANCE
                                                B. TIMING
                                                C. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS
                                                D. SHUTTLE SPECIFICS
                                                E. ONSITE PARKING
                                                F. CONCESSIONS
                                                4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
                                                5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                1. TEAM DINNER – DON’T FORGET – NEW LOCATION!!!
                                                  For this week only the team dinner will take place at the Truro Clubhouse, located at 4146 Elizabeth Lane, Annadale, VA. The dinner will be directly after practice as usual, so athletes should ensure they go to the right location post practice! We realize that not all boats will be rowing on Day 1 of States this Saturday, but all athletes are expected to attend the team dinner. All chaperone spots have been filled. Thank you volunteers!!!!

                                                Dinner will be pizza from Papa John’s: cheese, pepperoni, veggie, Hawaiian and gluten free. We will also have salad and a dessert.

                                                For your ease, here is the Papa John’s website for allergen information:

                                                1. VSRC DAY 1 VOLUNTEERS
                                                  All volunteer slots for the regatta this weekend are full. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Gentle reminder that if you sign up, you’re expected to volunteer. If it is a regatta weekend and you are unable to fulfill your duties, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Veigel, so that she can try to help you find a replacement for your shift.

                                                REMINDER: You will be required to sign an acknowledgement form (located at the sign-in table) indicating that you are aware of the USRowing Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) and how to report a potential violation of these policies. In order to save time on the day of your shift, please review this policy ahead of time so that you can quickly sign the required acknowledgement and head to your post. Please reach out to Lisa Veigel, Volunteer Coordinator, with any questions.  Thanks for your help and diligence in protecting our athletes.

                                                1. VSRC DAY 1 LOGISTICS
                                                  It’s championship season! Day 1 of the Virginia State Rowing Championships (VSRC) (aka “States”) is this Saturday at Sandy Run Regional Park. Student-athletes know which category they are racing in for States. Line up questions should be directed to your coach.

                                                Feel free to check these websites for more information: Regatta Central and VASRA.

                                                A. ATTENDANCE
                                                The following boats will race this weekend: Women’s 3rd Varsity 8+, Men’s 4th Varsity Freshman 8+, Women’s Novice 8+. While no varsity boats row at this regatta, varsity athletes are highly encouraged to attend, if available.

                                                  B. TIMING
                                                  The schedule has not yet been released. But, VASRA has confirmed that racing will begin at 9:00am. Unless told otherwise by a coach, athletes are advised to be at the boathouse no later than two hours before their scheduled race, and coxswains must be there for the coxswain’s meeting. More specific timing information will be communicated via Slack as it becomes available.

                                                    C. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS
                                                    There is no spectator/visitor parking at Sandy Run. Off-site parking is located at a local commuter parking lot for this regatta. Parents driving athletes can drop off at Sandy Run and then proceed to the off-site parking located at:
                                                    SOUTH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL
                                                    8501 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton, VA 22079

                                                      D. SHUTTLE SPECIFICS
                                                      Shuttle buses will run between South County High School and Lot C at Sandy Run. The cost of the shuttles is $15 CASH, round trip, paid upon boarding at South County. Athletes in uniform can ride the shuttle for free. Families should plan for a 15-20 minute hike to the grandstand.

                                                        VASRA HAS ASKED US TO REMIND OUR SPECTATORS ABOUT SHUTTLE TIMING. Bus service will begin at 7:00 a.m. with one bus and increase by two additional buses at 8:00 a.m., which will continue running until one hour after the final race.

                                                        Remember that there is an ADDITIONAL shuttle bus that runs from Lot C to the finish line for those who are not able to make the 1 mile hike to the grandstands. Please be aware that even with this method, there is a short walk from the finish line to the grandstands. Please plan accordingly. Cost is $5 CASH each way.

                                                        E. ONSITE PARKING
                                                        Onsite parking is limited to the groups below only. There is no fee for these groups to park at Sandy Run.

                                                          • ATHLETES: Loisvale Lot. Plan for the 10 minute walk to the boathouse!
                                                          • VOLUNTEERS: Lot D.
                                                          • COACHES: Lot D. Please display your green coach hangtag.
                                                          • STAFF / LOC: Lot B, second row from the back.
                                                          • HANDICAPPED: Lot C, as designated. It is requested that you contact [email protected] prior to the regatta to ensure all accommodations can be met.

                                                          F. CONCESSIONS 
                                                          Remember that the concession stands, both at the grandstand and at VASRA HQ (by the boathouses), serve up a full menu of food and drinks. They also sell shirts! Interested in purchasing items? Remember to bring cash as credit cards are not accepted. Money collected during regattas at the concession stand is used to offset expenses that would be passed down to the teams.

                                                            Get ready to PULL FOR WOODSON this weekend and we will see the student-athletes at the pre-regatta dinner tomorrow night!

                                                            4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS

                                                            Thank you to so many parents and athletes who are taking photos and videos at practice and regattas! Find the EASY UPLOAD LINKS for all your 2024 photos on our website: Woodson Rowing photo upload links.

                                                            Questions, problems or photos from previous years to upload? Contact our team photographer, Colin, via Slack or email ([email protected]).

                                                            5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                            On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                            2024 Racing Schedule


                                                            • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse
                                                            • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                            • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Back to Woodson Cafe B
                                                            • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                            • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                        (select boats attend)
                                                            • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                  (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                            April 30, 2024 Newsletter

                                                            EVERYTHING below is new! Heading into championship season means we have a LOT of things going on. So, buckle up your seat belts and get ready for the ride. Stay on top of things by reading the newsletter below and making sure you’re checking Slack regularly!

                                                            1. VSRC REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, MAY 4

                                                            2. **CRITICAL** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED THIS WEEKEND (& beyond)!
                                                            A. Team Dinner (THIS FRIDAY)
                                                            B. TWO DIFFERENT VSRC Day 1 Jobs (THIS SATURDAY)
                                                            C. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs

                                                            3. NEW LOCATION FOR TEAM DINNER THIS FRIDAY, 5/3 ONLY

                                                            4. STOTESBURY CUP: LINE UPS, REGISTRATION, Q&A
                                                            A. Stotesbury Line-ups are now available.
                                                            B. Registration is NOW LIVE, DEADLINE IS MAY 10, 2024
                                                            C. Stotesbury Q&A Zoom Meeting, Wednesday, May 1, 7:30p
                                                            D. Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up is LIVE

                                                            5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                            ACTION ITEMS FOR THIS WEEK

                                                            • CRITICAL volunteers needed. See #2 below.
                                                            • Sign up for Stotesbury (link and details in #4 below)
                                                            1. VSRC REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, MAY 4

                                                            Our next regatta is Day 1 of the Virginia State Rowing Championship (VSRC), aka “States,” this Saturday at Sandy Run Regional Park. Traditionally, for the two-weekend VSRC regatta, novice and junior varsity boats row in the first weekend and varsity boats row in the second weekend. While VASRA is still making final plans for the regatta schedules, the plan is for the following boats to race this weekend:
                                                            W N8+, W 3V, M Fr8+, M Jr4+.

                                                            First and second 8s will row 5/11. Student-athletes know which category they are racing in for States. Athletes should direct any questions about lineups to the coaches.

                                                            1. **CRITICAL** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED THIS WEEKEND (& beyond)!

                                                            Each family has a volunteer commitment as part of their student’s role on the Woodson Rowing team. Several families have incomplete volunteer hours this season. If you haven’t volunteered yet this season, please check out the opportunities below and sign up now. Thank you!

                                                            A. Team Dinner (THIS FRIDAY): 1 chaperone and clean up volunteer needed. Visit the Sign Up Genius to sign up.

                                                              B. TWO DIFFERENT VSRC Day 1 Jobs (THIS SATURDAY)

                                                                • There is a VASRA job opening for a Skateboard holder. Sign up here.
                                                                • The team needs a volunteer to bring snacks to the boathouse at 6:30a THIS SATURDAY for Day 1 of States. Everything will be provided, we just need someone who can drop things off while the road is still open to drivers. Please contact Lisa Veigel or Helen Burvis via Slack for more information.

                                                                C. Stotesbury Cup volunteer jobs: There are plenty of opportunities for folks who are NOT traveling, and also who are willing to help while in Philadelphia. Visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available.

                                                                1. NEW LOCATION FOR TEAM DINNER THIS FRIDAY, 5/3 ONLY

                                                                Please note that for this week only there is a new location for our team dinner. The team dinner will take place at the Truro Clubhouse, located at 4146 Elizabeth Lane, Annadale, VA. The dinner will be directly after practice as usual, so athletes should ensure they go to the right location post practice! We realize that not all boats will be rowing on Day 1 of States this Saturday, but all athletes are expected to attend the team dinner.

                                                                1. STOTESBURY CUP: LINE UPS, REGISTRATION, Q&A

                                                                The best place to stay up-to-date on all things Stotesbury is on our website at: But here are our newest updates:

                                                                A. Stotesbury Line-ups are now available.

                                                                  All race entries, to include alternate rowers/coxswains, are made at the discretion of the Woodson Rowing Head Coach. Our coaches try to take as many competitive boats as possible. Athletes can direct their questions on lineups to the coaches. Find this year’s line ups here: 2024 Stotesbury Athlete List

                                                                  B. Registration is NOW LIVE, DEADLINE IS MAY 10, 2024

                                                                    REGISTER YOUR ATHLETE BY MAY 10, 2024 HERE:
                                                                    2024 STOTESBURY REGISTRATION

                                                                    As has always been the case, there is an additional fee for athletes to attend Stotesbury. The fee for 2024 is $550 per athlete. This is in-line with previous years. This cost is a direct pass-thru of the costs for travel, food, and lodging for the athlete. If this presents a financial burden, the team may be able to offer assistance. Please reach out to Bill Westman, Board President, with questions re: financial assistance.

                                                                    There are 2 optional add-on fees for spectators: a meal pass to have snacks and lunch at the tent with the athletes and a ticket to ride the bus to and from the team hotel in Philadelphia.

                                                                    Please note: if you sign up to be a bus chaperone, this rider fee is WAIVED! You can sign up to be a bus chaperone on the Volunteer Sign up Genius. If you do that, do NOT pay the $75 fee for your “ticket.”

                                                                    REGISTER YOUR ATHLETE BY MAY 10, 2024 HERE:
                                                                    2024 STOTESBURY REGISTRATION

                                                                    C. Stotesbury Q&A Zoom Meeting, Wednesday, May 1, 7:30p

                                                                      If you have questions about the trip to Stotesbury, please plan to join our Stotesbury Q&A Zoom meeting on Wednesday, May 1 starting at 7:30p. There is NOT a planned presentation for this meeting, it will be a free flow of questions and answers. If you have a question but cannot attend, please send your question(s) to Jenn McRobbie via Slack or [email protected] to be answered on the call. The call will be recorded and posted in Slack after the meeting.

                                                                      D. Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up is LIVE

                                                                        Just like everything else we do, we will need a lot of parent volunteers.  Whether or not you are traveling to Philadelphia, we need you to help the team prepare in the days prior to travel and to help during the trip. Visit the Stotesbury Volunteer Sign Up Genuis for the long list of volunteering opportunities available, both at home and at the race site.

                                                                        5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                                                        On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                                        2024 Racing Schedule


                                                                        • Wed. 5/1: Stotesbury Q&A Zoom meeting. 7:30p. Login details on Slack.
                                                                        • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse (note new location).
                                                                        • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                                        • Thu. 5/9: Noodles & Co. restaurant fundraiser, 4-8p
                                                                        • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                                        • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                                        • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                        • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                              (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                                        April 25, 2024 – Senior Night and Al Urquia Special

                                                                        Tomorrow is our SENIOR NIGHT! We will celebrate our graduating seniors at the team dinner. On Saturday, the Al Urquia regatta will be another day of potential double racing as heats and finals are part of the tentative plan. Prepare for a long-ish day. The forecast currently calls for cloudy with a *slight* chance for rain and a high of 64 degrees. So, it will be on the cooler side for this time of year. As always, spectators and athletes should be prepared for all types of weather.

                                                                        1. TEAM DINNER and SENIOR NIGHT, FRIDAY APRIL 26
                                                                        2. REGATTA VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED
                                                                        3. AL URQUIA REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 27
                                                                        A. ATTENDANCE
                                                                        B. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS
                                                                        C. ONSITE PARKING
                                                                        4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
                                                                        5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                                        1. TEAM DINNER and SENIOR NIGHT, FRIDAY APRIL 26

                                                                            Friday Night Team Dinner will be in Cafeteria B at Woodson. There is still ONE volunteer slot available for Set Up and Chaperone. Please sign up here.

                                                                            This team dinner is a special one because we are also celebrating our seniors. We are going to do our best to kick off the festivities right at 7p, so please do your best to be there on time. Principal Greata will be in attendance, so let’s all put on our best manners.

                                                                            Catering is provided by Chipotle. The tentative menu is as follows:

                                                                            • Chicken, steak, cilantro-lime white rice, fajita vegetables, salsas, sour cream, cheese, beans, lettuce, and flour tortillas all in separate containers.
                                                                            • Dessert: Costco cakes and something for the GF people.
                                                                            • BYOB. PARENTS ATTENDING TAKE NOTE: We do not provide beverages. There are water refilling stations in the cafeteria, so please plan to bring your own refillable water bottle.

                                                                             For your ease, here is the Chipotle website for allergen information:

                                                                            2. AL URQUIA REGATTA VOLUNTEERS

                                                                              Gentle reminder that if you sign up, you’re expected to volunteer. If it is a regatta weekend and you are unable to fulfill your duties, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Veigel, so that she can try to help you find a replacement for your shift.

                                                                              All volunteer slots for the regatta this weekend are full. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!

                                                                              Sign up here to help at future regattas. We do still have an open slot on day 1 of States that will need to be filled. It’s for a Stakeboat Holder, which is arguably one of the most fun positions offered during regatta season!

                                                                              REMINDER TO ALL REGATTA VOLUNTEERS: You will be required to sign an acknowledgement form (located at the sign-in table) indicating that you are aware of the USRowing Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) and how to report a potential violation of these policies. In order to save time on the day of your shift, please review this policy ahead of time so that you can quickly sign the required acknowledgement and head to your post. Please reach out to Lisa Veigel, Volunteer Coordinator, with any questions.  Thanks for your help and diligence in protecting our athletes.

                                                                              3. AL URQUIA REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 27

                                                                                Stay tuned to Slack for specific race times, which will be finalized and shared with coaches late tonight. Athletes should anticipate hearing more about specific timing by tomorrow.

                                                                                Feel free to check here for general regatta information:
                                                                                Regatta Central
                                                                                VASRA website

                                                                                A. ATTENDANCE: Unless told otherwise by a coach, athletes are advised to be at the boathouse no later than two hours before their scheduled race, and coxswains must be there for the coxswain’s meeting. More specific timing information will be communicated via Slack as it becomes available.

                                                                                  B. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS: There is no spectator/visitor parking at Sandy Run. Off-site parking is located at a local commuter parking lot for this regatta.

                                                                                    • Parents driving athletes can drop off at Sandy Run and then proceed to the off-site parking located at:
                                                                                      SOUTH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                      8501 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton, VA 22079

                                                                                    • Shuttle buses will run between South County High School and Lot C at Sandy Run. The cost of the shuttles is $15 CASH, round trip, paid upon boarding at South County. Athletes in uniform can ride the shuttle for free. Families should plan for a 15-20 minute hike to the grandstand.
                                                                                    • There is an ADDITIONAL shuttle bus that runs from Lot C to the finish line for those who are not able to make the 1 mile hike to the grandstands. Please be aware that even with this method, there is a short walk from the finish line to the grandstands. Please plan accordingly. Cost is $5 CASH each way.
                                                                                    • The shuttles are scheduled to begin at 7:00 am (2 hours before the first race) and will conclude running from Sandy Run NLT 1 hour after the last race.

                                                                                    C. ONSITE PARKING: Onsite parking is limited to the groups below only. There is no fee for these groups to park at Sandy Run.

                                                                                      • ATHLETES: Loisvale Lot. Plan for the 10 minute walk to the boathouse!
                                                                                      • VOLUNTEERS: Lot D.
                                                                                      • COACHES: Lot D. Please display your green coach hangtag.
                                                                                      • STAFF / LOC: Lot B, second row from the back.
                                                                                      • HANDICAPPED: Lot C, as designated. It is requested that you contact [email protected] prior to the regatta to ensure all accommodations can be met.

                                                                                      Get ready to PULL FOR WOODSON this weekend and we will see the student-athletes at the pre-regatta dinner tomorrow night!

                                                                                      4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS

                                                                                      Thank you to so many parents and athletes who are taking photos and videos at practice and regattas! Find the EASY UPLOAD LINKS for all your 2024 photos on our website: Woodson Rowing photo upload links.

                                                                                      Questions, problems or photos from previous years to upload? Contact our team photographer, Colin, via Slack or email ([email protected]).

                                                                                      5. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                                                                      • Fri. 4/26: SENIOR NIGHT & Team dinner. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/27: Al Urquia Regatta, Sandy Run


                                                                                      • Wed. 5/1: tentative Stotesbury Q&A meeting. Details TBD.
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse (note new location).
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                        (select boats attend)
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                                                      April 23, 2024 Newsletter

                                                                                      This weekend is, technically, our last “regular season” regatta. But the opportunities for volunteering and participating are only ramping up as we head toward VSRC and Stotesbury. Please help us stay on top of all there is to manage as we move into the championship season!

                                                                                      1. ATHLETIC BOOSTER SCHOLARSHIPS – DUE TOMORROW, WED., 4/24
                                                                                      2. RESTAURANT NIGHT – TOMORROW, WED., 4/24
                                                                                      3. SENIOR NIGHT THIS FRIDAY, 4/26
                                                                                      4. CRITICAL NEED: 2-3 ADULTS FOR A NOMINATING COMMITTEE
                                                                                      5. 2 VASRA REGATTA VOLUNTEER SPOTS TO FILL DURING STATES
                                                                                      6. STOTESBURY CUP REGATTA UPDATES AND NEWS
                                                                                      7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                                                      ACTION ITEMS FOR THIS WEEK
                                                                                      Senior Parents RSVP for Senior Night (4/26)!
                                                                                      Become part of the Nominating Committee (see details below)

                                                                                      1. ATHLETIC BOOSTER SCHOLARSHIPS – DUE TOMORROW, WED., 4/24
                                                                                        Woodson Athletic Boosters has a few scholarships for seniors who participated in sports while at Woodson. The applications are due by April 24. Visit the Woodson College & Career Center for the application and more information.
                                                                                      2. RESTAURANT NIGHT – TOMORROW, WED., 4/24
                                                                                        Support Woodson Rowing by visiting the Panera located at 10702 Fairfax, Blvd (next to the Party City in Fairfax) on Wednesday, 4/24 between 4-8p. You can use the code FUND4U at online checkout, in the Panera app, or at the kiosk in-cafe to ensure that 25% of your sale is donated back to the team. Show the flyer below to a cashier if you have any questions!
                                                                                      1. SENIOR NIGHT THIS FRIDAY!
                                                                                        We are hoping to start senior introductions promptly at 7p – so everyone, please do your best to get to Cafe B at Woodson by 6:55p!

                                                                                      PARENTS OF SENIORS: If you haven’t yet, please RSVP if you plan to attend our Senior Night dinner on Friday, April 26 at 7p in Woodson Cafe B. Your RSVP helps Eleanor and Helen (who are also parents to seniors) plan the meal for that night.

                                                                                      ATHLETES: Please arrive at Woodson promptly after practice so that our festivities can get underway – and we can feed you!

                                                                                      1. CRITICAL NEED: 2-3 ADULTS FOR A NOMINATING COMMITTEE
                                                                                        We are seeking volunteers to serve on this year’s nominating committee. The nominating committee will identify parents with interest in serving on the Board in the 2024/24 school year and beyond!  If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Catherine Backmeyer on Slack or at [email protected] to find out more!
                                                                                      1. 2 VASRA REGATTA VOLUNTEER SPOTS TO FILL DURING STATES
                                                                                        As you know, it takes an army of volunteers to make the regattas run successfully each week and Woodson is required to fill certain jobs to help make that happen. We have two more VASRA jobs to fill this season – one each day of the State championships (May 4 and 11).  Check out the sign-up genius for more information.

                                                                                      Remember, volunteers get to park for free at Sandy Run (no long lines for the shuttle or paying $15 pp) and many jobs give a front row seat to the action (or you can take a break to watch your kid race). Thank you for your dedication to our team and the sport!

                                                                                      1. STOTESBURY CUP REGATTA UPDATES AND NEWS
                                                                                        The best place to stay up-to-date on all things Stotesbury is on our website at:

                                                                                      PARENTS: The Board is in the process of arranging a Stotesbury Q&A meeting that will tentatively take place on May 1 in the evening. Stay tuned for more information, but if you have questions, please post them on Slack in the meantime.

                                                                                      ATHLETES: Both AP Spanish and AP Biology have their AP tests scheduled for May 16, the day we will leave for Stotes. Although line-ups have not yet been set, it is highly recommended that you begin speaking with your teachers now to make alternative testing arrangements if necessary.

                                                                                      7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                                                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                                                                      • Wed. 4/24: Panera restaurant fundraiser, 4-8p
                                                                                      • Fri. 4/26: SENIOR NIGHT & Team dinner. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/27: Al Urquia Regatta, Sandy Run


                                                                                      • Wed. 5/1: tentative Stotesbury Q&A meeting. Details TBD.
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse (note new location).
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                                                      April 18, 2024 – Ryz Obuchowicz Special

                                                                                      This weekend is the Ryz Obuchowicz Regatta at Sandy Run. This regatta is named after a local legend, Ryszard “Ryz” Obuchowicz, who was recognized by USRowing in 2007 as the recipient of the Julian Wolf Award for his contributions to rowing. It looks like beautiful weather for racing, with partly sunny skies and the temperature between 65-70 degrees by race time. Please keep in mind that the grandstands are generally not covered. Spectators and athletes should, as always, be prepared for all weather (to include blazing sun).

                                                                                      1. TEAM DINNER, FRIDAY APRIL 19
                                                                                      2. REGATTA VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED
                                                                                      3. RYZ OBUCHOWICZ REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 20
                                                                                      A. ATTENDANCE
                                                                                      B. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS
                                                                                      C. ONSITE PARKING
                                                                                      4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
                                                                                      5. MASON INVITATIONAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY, 4/21
                                                                                      6. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                                                      1. TEAM DINNER, FRIDAY APRIL 19
                                                                                        Friday Night Team Dinner will be in Cafeteria B at Woodson. There is still ONE volunteer slot available for Chaperone and Clean Up. Please sign up here.

                                                                                      The dinner is for athletes only and will be served around 7:15p. Catering is provided by Noodles & Co. The tentative menu is as follows:

                                                                                      • Spaghetti (Meatballs on the side)
                                                                                      • Mac & Cheese (Meatballs on the side)
                                                                                      • Pesto Cavatappi (Parmesan chicken on the side)
                                                                                      • Bread
                                                                                      • Gluten free items

                                                                                       For your ease, here is the Noodles & Co. website for allergen information:

                                                                                      Also provided from Costco:

                                                                                      • Salad (dressings are on the side)
                                                                                      • Dessert (usually cookies + a gluten-free option)

                                                                                      Other items of note:

                                                                                      • NO DRINKS WILL BE PROVIDED. Athletes should bring refillable water bottles.
                                                                                      • All athletes must plan to help clean up before leaving. Plan to pick up athletes around 8:30p
                                                                                      1. REGATTA VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED
                                                                                        Gentle reminder that if you sign up, you’re expected to volunteer. If it is a regatta weekend and you are unable to fulfill your duties, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Veigel, so that she can try to help you find a replacement for your shift.

                                                                                      All volunteer slots for the regatta this weekend are full. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Sign up here to help at future regattas (we do still have some open slots during each day of States that will need to be filled).

                                                                                      REMINDER TO ALL REGATTA VOLUNTEERS: You will be required to sign an acknowledgement form (located at the sign-in table) indicating that you are aware of the USRowing Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) and how to report a potential violation of these policies. In order to save time on the day of your shift, please review this policy ahead of time so that you can quickly sign the required acknowledgement and head to your post. Please reach out to Lisa Veigel, Volunteer Coordinator, with any questions.  Thanks for your help and diligence in protecting our athletes.

                                                                                      1. RYZ OBUCHOWICZ REGATTA THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 20
                                                                                        Stay tuned to Slack for specific race times, which will be finalized and shared with coaches late tonight. According to the tentative event list, varsity boats will race first, with novice boats closing out the racing of the day. Athletes should anticipate hearing more about specific timing by tomorrow.

                                                                                      Feel free to check here for general regatta information:
                                                                                      Regatta Central
                                                                                      VASRA website

                                                                                      A. ATTENDANCE: Unless told otherwise by a coach, athletes are advised to be at the boathouse no later than two hours before their scheduled race, and coxswains must be there for the coxswain’s meeting. More specific timing information will be communicated via Slack as it becomes available.

                                                                                      B. OFF-SITE PARKING FOR SPECTATORS: There is no spectator/visitor parking at Sandy Run. Off-site parking is located at a local commuter parking lot for this regatta.

                                                                                      • Parents driving athletes can drop off at Sandy Run and then proceed to the off-site parking located at:
                                                                                        SOUTH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                        8501 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton, VA 22079
                                                                                      • Shuttle buses will run between South County High School and Lot C at Sandy Run. The cost of the shuttles is $15 CASH, round trip, paid upon boarding at South County. Athletes in uniform can ride the shuttle for free. Families should plan for a 15-20 minute hike to the grandstand.
                                                                                      • There is an ADDITIONAL shuttle bus that runs from Lot C to the finish line for those who are not able to make the 1 mile hike to the grandstands. Please be aware that even with this method, there is a short walk from the finish line to the grandstands. Please plan accordingly. Cost is $5 CASH each way.
                                                                                      • The shuttles are scheduled to begin at 7:00 am (2 hours before the first race) and will conclude running from Sandy Run NLT 1 hour after the last race.

                                                                                      C. ONSITE PARKING: Onsite parking is limited to the groups below only. There is no fee for these groups to park at Sandy Run.

                                                                                      • ATHLETES: Loisvale Lot. Plan for the 10 minute walk to the boathouse!
                                                                                      • VOLUNTEERS: Lot D.
                                                                                      • COACHES: Lot D. Please display your green coach hangtag.
                                                                                      • STAFF / LOC: Lot B, second row from the back.
                                                                                      • HANDICAPPED: Lot C, as designated. It is requested that you contact [email protected] prior to the regatta to ensure all accommodations can be met.

                                                                                      Get ready to PULL FOR WOODSON this weekend and we will see the student-athletes at the pre-regatta dinner tomorrow night!

                                                                                      4. PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND VIDEOS
                                                                                      Thank you to so many parents and athletes who are taking photos and videos at practice and regattas! Find the EASY UPLOAD LINKS for all your 2024 photos on our website: Woodson Rowing photo upload links.

                                                                                      Questions, problems or photos from previous years to upload? Contact our team photographer, Colin, via Slack or email ([email protected]).

                                                                                      5. MASON INVITATIONAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY, 4/21
                                                                                      VASRA is looking for volunteers for Mason Invitational this Sunday, April 21. See a collegiate regatta up close and satisfy your VASRA volunteer requirement at the same time. Athletes are also encouraged to volunteer. See the Sign Up Genius for more information: Mason Invitational.

                                                                                      6. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                                                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                                                                      • Fri. 4/19: Team dinner. Athletes & Volunteers. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/20: Ryz Obuchowicz Regatta, Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Wed. 4/24: Panera restaurant fundraiser, 4-8p
                                                                                      • Fri. 4/26: SENIOR NIGHT & Team dinner. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/27: Al Urquia Regatta, Sandy Run


                                                                                      • Wed. 5/1: tentative Stotesbury Q&A meeting. Details TBD.
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse (note new location).
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)

                                                                                      April 16, 2024 Newsletter

                                                                                      Competition will be ramping back up with the Ryz Obuchowicz regatta at Sandy Run this weekend. Thursday’s newsletter will focus on all the details for that, so read below to find out all the other goings-on we have … well … going on!

                                                                                      1. PARENT LEARN-TO-ROW THANK YOU!
                                                                                      2. FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
                                                                                      3. ATHLETIC BOOSTER SCHOLARSHIPS – DUE DATE 4/24
                                                                                      4. PARENTS OF SENIORS – YOUR RSVP IS NEEDED!
                                                                                      5. JOIN THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE!!
                                                                                      6. STOTESBURY CUP REGATTA UPDATES AND NEWS
                                                                                      7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS

                                                                                      ACTION ITEMS FOR THIS WEEK
                                                                                      Senior Parents RSVP for Senior Night (4/26)!
                                                                                      Become part of the Nominating Committee (see details below)

                                                                                      1. PARENT LEARN-TO-ROW THANK YOU! 

                                                                                      Our parent learn-to-row on April 14 was a big success! Major kudos and thanks to Coach Tylander and Coach Mickey for giving 9 parents a taste of what it’s like to be a Woodson Rowing athlete. Additional thanks to the following athletes for taking time on your weekend to support the parents and for showing us how it’s done: Joey Burvis, Madeline Backmeyer, Sarah Backmeyer, Chance Jones, Emma McRobbie, Sania Rizk, Molly Ros, Lilli Strakos and Alessia Tolentino.

                                                                                      Find some photos of the event on our SmugMug site: 2024 Parent Learn-to-Row.

                                                                                      Anyone who took photos, please UPLOAD here.

                                                                                      1. FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

                                                                                      Two chaperone spots are available for our Friday night dinner on April 19.
                                                                                      Please sign up here.

                                                                                      1. ATHLETIC BOOSTER SCHOLARSHIPS – DUE DATE 4/24

                                                                                      Woodson Athletic Boosters has a few scholarships for seniors who participated in sports while at Woodson. The applications are due by April 24. Visit the Woodson College & Career Center for the application and more information.

                                                                                      1. PARENTS OF SENIORS – YOUR RSVP IS NEEDED!

                                                                                      If you haven’t yet, please RSVP if you plan to attend our Senior Night dinner on Friday, April 26 at 7p in Woodson Cafe B. Your RSVP helps Eleanor and Helen (who are also parents to seniors) plan the meal for that night!!

                                                                                      1. JOIN THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE!!!

                                                                                      We are seeking volunteers to serve on this year’s nominating committee. The nominating committee will identify parents with interest in serving on the Board in the 2024/24 school year and beyond!  If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Catherine Backmeyer on Slack or at [email protected] to find out more!

                                                                                      1. STOTESBURY CUP REGATTA UPDATES AND NEWS

                                                                                      The best place to stay up-to-date on all things Stotesbury is on our website at:

                                                                                      PARENTS: The Board is in the process of arranging a Stotesbury Q&A meeting that will tentatively take place on May 1 in the evening. Stay tuned for more information, but if you have questions, please post them on Slack in the meantime.

                                                                                      ATHLETES: Both AP Spanish and AP Biology have their AP tests scheduled for May 16, the day we will leave for Stotes. Although line-ups have not yet been set, it is highly recommended that you begin speaking with your teachers now to make alternative testing arrangements.

                                                                                      7. AT-A-GLANCE AND OTHER LINKS
                                                                                      On-the-water practice – click the link for schedule, logistics and more!
                                                                                      2024 Racing Schedule


                                                                                      • Fri. 4/19: Team dinner. Athletes & Volunteers. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/20: Ryz Obuchowicz Regatta, Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Wed. 4/24: Panera restaurant fundraiser, 4-8p
                                                                                      • Fri. 4/26: SENIOR NIGHT & Team dinner. Woodson Cafe B, 7p.
                                                                                      • Sat. 4/27: Al Urquia Regatta, Sandy Run


                                                                                      • Wed. 5/1: tentative Stotesbury Q&A meeting. Details TBD.
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/3: Team dinner. Truro Clubhouse (note new location).
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/4: Virginia State Championship (Day 1), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri. 5/10: Last Team dinner. Cafe B, directly after practice.
                                                                                      • Sat. 5/11: Virginia State Championship (Day 2), Sandy Run
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/17-18: Stotesbury Cup Regatta, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                      • Fri-Sat. 5/24-25: SRAA National Championships Regatta, Camden, NJ
                                                                                            (Only qualifying boats attend.)